Bleu Meetings Check In with Elephant Scan

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Please note: We have made the check in process much simpler! You may now check in meeting participants with our Bleu Meetings iOS app. Please see the updated information.

  1. Download Elephant Scan on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch.
  2. Go to Bleu Meetings and login to your account.
  3. Click on your meeting for which you want to use the check in feature.
  4. Near the top of your meeting page, copythe “Check-In Users Url”that you will use to check in meeting participants.
  5. Open Elephant Scan and tap Settings.
  6. Paste or type the Check-In Users Url from step 4 into the Post to Webhook box. Tap Done. Elephant is set to check in meeting attendees.
    Paste or type your check in url.
  7. As soon as your meeting starts, you will see a Checked In column on the attendees page for your meeting. You can navigate to this page by bringing up your meeting page, then clicking the Manage button in the attendee section of that page.
  8. To check in ameeting attendee:
    1. Open Elephant Scan. If the main camera view is not open, tap Scan.
    2. Scan your meeting attendee’s bar code from the his or her Apple Wallet Pass or email.
      Scan your attendee’s bar code
  9. If you refresh your attendees’ page on your computer, you will see atimestamp in the checked in column for the attendee whose barcode you scanned.
  10. The free version of Elephant Scan only saves five scans. To scan more than 5 scans, please considerupgrading to Elephant Scan Pro. You can also continue scanning for free by clearing the history.
    1. Tap History.
    2. Tap Clear in the upper left-hand corner.
    3. Tap Delete.