Boot Runner 2 Configuration Profiles

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Managing Configuration Profiles

Configuration Profiles were introduced in OS X 10.7 Lion and allow for an easy way to configure settings on OS X.

Boot Runner includes a sample configuration profile with the application and the key values, described below, can be edited in any text editor. Save the configuration profile to a file that ends with the extension .mobileconfig. For example: Bootrunner.mobileconfig.

To install a configuration profile for Boot Runner, simply double click on the configuration profile or use theprofilescommand to install it. More information on theprofilescommand can be found in the manual by opening the Terminal application and typingman profiles.

CustomBackgroundPath– (string) location of image file for background of selection screen

HiddenVolumeNames– (string) name or identifier of existing volume that should not appear in selection screen

AutomaticallySelectVolume– (string) name or identifier of existing volume to be selected and booted automatically

AutoSelectTimeout– (number) delay in seconds between when selection screen appears and when auto selection and booting begins

LimitTimeFrom– (number) start of period when specified volume should automatically be selected and booted, range from 0-23

LimitTimeTo– (number) end of period when specified volume should automatically be selected and booted, range from 0-23

LimitTimes– (boolean) yes/no to activate LimitTimeFrom and LimitTimeTo

ShowUnmountedVolumes– (string) name or identifier of volume (usually external drive) that may not always be present but will appear in the selection screen.

VolumeDescriptions– (array) array of key-value clusters for each volume, not editable

  • VolumeName– (string) name or identifier
  • VolumeLabel– (string) volume label displayed under volume in selection screen
  • VolumeType– (number) Operating System icon.0-auto-detect, 1-OS X, 2-Windows XP, 3-Windows 7, 4-Windows 8, 5-Windows 10, 6-Linux, 7-Other, 8-Custom
  • VolumeDescriptionRTF– (string) encoded raw text entered into the popover text window
  • VolumeDescriptions– (string) path to a RTF file containing the popover text (not to be confused with the array of the same name)
  • VMPath– (string) path, including open command to launch the virtual machine
  • VMUsername– (string) OS X login name to auto-login and launch virtual machine
  • VMPassword– (string) OS X password to auto-login and launch virtual machine
  • UseVM– (boolean) yes/no
  • LogoutFile– (string) name of touched file, defaults to /Users/Shared/.com.twocanoes.bootrunnerlogout
  • VMPostrunScript– (string) path to script file for actions post-vm logout/shutdown. Defaults to /Library/Application Support/Twocanoes/Boot Runner/logoutscript
  • CustomVolumeGraphic– (string) path to customize image used as icon overlay on volume and in popover, 256 x 256 works best

MarqueeText– (string) contents of marquee text that appears on the selection screen

MarqueeTextPosition– (number) integer value that defines where to place the marquee text. Zero (0) shows at top of screen, one (1) shows it at the bottom of the screen

MarqueeTextColor– (string) Hex Colors (example #0A0A0A)

MarqueeYPosition– (number) vertical coordinate positioning, in points, of marquee text. Default 0 appears at bottom of the screen

ScrollMarquee– (boolean) value for scrolling of marquee text across the screen

SelectSingleMacVolume– (boolean) for behavior to bypass Boot Runner whenever there is only a single Mac volume on the system

ShowRestartButton– (boolean) option to display a restart button at bottom of selection screen

ShowShutdownButton– (boolean) option to display a shutdown button at bottom of selection screen

Timeout– (number) Time in seconds from when the OS X login screen is displayed without keyboard/mouse activity before returning to the Boot Runner selection screen.

WindowLevel– (number) BR is using Screen saver window level (can specify 0 – 9)

** Note: there is no key for “Show Boot Runner in Menu Bar”. To automate or remotely enable the Boot Runner Menu Bar, launch “/Applications/Utilities/Boot Runner Runner”