Installing License Key (Winclone 4 and 5 Only)

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This article refers to Winclone 4 and 5 only. For Winclone 6 license installation help, see: How do I get a Winclone 6 License Key?

When downloading and installing your license key please make sure to do the following:

  1. Right click on the license key link and select “Download linked file”
  2. Save the license key to the desktop of your Mac
  3. Double-click the license key to launch and validate Winclone

Alternatively, you can:

Right click on the license key link and select “Download linked file”

Save the license key to the desktop of your Mac

  1. Launch Winclone and in the Finder menu, select Winclone -> Preferences.
  2. Under the License Information section of the Preferences window, click the Select… button
  3. Navigate to the location of the Winclone license key file and click Open. A dialog box should confirm that the license key has successfully been installed.

If you need help with a lost license key, please contactsupport@twocanoes.comfor assistance.

Visit to send yourself a new license key file