Capturing XCreds Logs
XCreds logs in 2 different locations:
- /tmp/xcreds/xcreds.log
- The Library folder in the user’s home directory (~/Library/Logs/xcreds.log)
The log located in /tmp/xcreds/xcreds.log shows entries from the login window and the log in the user’s home directory shows log entries from the menu item app. By default, the logs contain on error messages. To enable debug logging, open Terminal and run:
sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.twocanoes.xcreds showDebug -bool true
You may be prompted for your admin password after running the above command. Once the command is run, the logs will contain debug information, which may contain sensitive token and other information. To turn off debug logging:
sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.twocanoes.xcreds showDebug -bool false