
Penn State MacAdmins 2015 Conference

We had a great time attending this year’s Penn State MacAdmins conference in College Park, Pennsylvania. Our team had the opportunity to talk about our Winclone and Boot Runner software for managing dual-boot labs.

Fun at the Booth

We had the opportunity to meet new people have a lot of great dialogue about iBeacons, Winclone, and Boot Runner. We met customers from all over the World and offered on-site demos.

Click here to learn more about our products


Managing Windows in a Mac World

Our product manager Russell Scheil had the opportunity to talk about managing dual-boot labs in education.

Click here to learn more about our solutions for dual-boot labs in Education


Proximityd Starter Pack

We introduced our Proximityd Starter Pack which allows admins to easily use configuration profiles and iBeacons in Mac OS X. Two lucky winners won a 3-pack in our Sponsor Raffle!


Tussey Mountain

We joined in on the festivities at Wednesday night’s event at Tussey Mountain ski park and saw some great views coming down the Mountain.



We met some new fans who wanted to join our Twocanoes Team


Birds of a Feather

We had a great time hosting a table discussion on iBeacon technology. Applications in retail and education are endless.


Proud Sponsors

We were happy to be a sponsor for this year’s event. Our service Bleu Meetings was used for easy attendee check in. And a special thanks to the great folks at Penn State, Justin Elliott, Gretchen Kuwahara, Dave Test and Rusty Myers!
