Winclone 6 can clone and restore in 2 different modes: file-based (WIM) and block-based. The differences are covered in the Knowledge Base article here. By default, Winclone 6 creates images using file-based imaging. If there are issues with the meta-data on a file (such as corrupt permissions, date, etc), Winclone may fail to complete the clone. Switching to block-based imaging may allow you to make a success clone since block-based imaging does not read individual files, but only filesystem blocks. Block-based imaging does not allow you to migrate between SSDs that have different blocks sizes, but if that is not a concern, switching to block-based imaging may resolve the issue.
To switch between WIM and block based imaging, open Preferences in Winclone 6 under the Winclone 6 menu, and select the checkbox as shown below:
When Winclone 6 restores an image, it automatically detects if the image was created in block-based or file-based (WIM) and this setting does not affect restore.
To tell if an image was created file-based versus block-based, do the following:
- In Winclone, select the image under Sources and under the Tools menu, select Reveal In Finder.
- In the Finder, control click on the image, and select Show Package Contents.
If you see a Windows.wim file in the image, it is a WIM (or file-based) image. If you see a boot.img.gz file then the image is block-based.