Category: Winclone
Block-Based Imaging versus WIM-Based Imaging
August 4, 2017Winclone 6 (and later) has the ability to create Winclone images in either file-based (WIM) or block-based mode. This article explains the difference and information on …
Issue: Winclone not showing Boot Camp in Sources
August 4, 2017If you launch Winclone and do not see any Boot Camp sources, you can try the following items to resolve the issue. 1. Open Disk …
Mass Deploying a Winclone Package with an External Drive
July 27, 2017Update: It is now recommended to use MDS to deploy Winclone with an external drive. The packaging feature of Winclone Pro makes it easy to …
Troubleshooting Windows Booting after Winclone image restore
July 3, 2017When restoring a Winclone image, Windows may fail to boot correctly. To troubleshooting these, try these troubleshooting tips: “this is not a bootable disk, please …
Macs that do not support boot Windows in EFI mode
July 3, 2017The following Macs are set to Legacy booting mode when restoring Windows, regardless of version of Windows, since the hardware does not support EFI booting …
Creating a GPT Formatted Disk in macOS 10.12 or later
June 25, 2017Boot Camp only supports GPT formatted disks. If you have a new hard drive and are formatting it for the first time with Disk Utility, …
Preparing Windows for Deployment with Winclone Pro
June 25, 2017When mass deploying Windows onto dual-boot Macs where a Microsoft infrastructure is available, it is recommend that you prepare a base image of Windows 10 …
Troubleshooting a Winclone Package Install
June 16, 2017If you have created a package with Winclone Pro and are getting error messages, try these tips: Install the package manually If you are deploying …
Re-label Boot Camp Volume
May 30, 2017You can use a command line tool to relabel the boot camp volume. To do this, cd to the tools folder in the Winclone app: …
Windows 10 Creators Update Bulletin
May 18, 2017This issue has been resolved by Winclone 6.1.2 and later. Both File-based and WIM based cloning is operational for Windows 7 and later (including …