Install Software License Configuration Profile
Software license keys for recent versions of software from Twocanoes are installed with a configuration profile. The configuration profile can either be installed with a Mobile Device Management server or manually. This article outlines how to install a configuration profile manually. If you manage Macs with an MDM service, it is recommended that you deploy licenses with the MDM service. Please provide the mobileconfig file to your MDM administrator for deploying. For a small number of Macs or for testing, you can manually install the configuration profile by following the instructions below.
Install License
- Download MDS or XCreds license profile
- Go to System Settings > Privacy & Security > Profiles
- Double-click on MDS or XCreds license profile
- Select Install
- Select Install again when the confirmation window appears
- Enter your admin credentials to allow the license installation
The MDS and XCreds licensing system uses macOS profiles to distribute licenses via MDM, and does not require individualized licenses for each system. A single profile can deploy a single license file to each user that will provide a license for all covered clients.