What’s New in MDS 1.9
New Features in MDS 1.9:
- First User Log In Packages Installation: Packages can now be specified to install when the first user logs in. Some macOS packages expect a user account to exist and a home directory to have been created. Using this new feature, packages can be installed right when the first user is logged in.

- Updated Preference Window

- Improved Chromebook support for wireless (802.1x support)
- Option to Restart or Shutdown after running Workflow. Previously only was available if not installing macOS.

- Added language sample script and updated other sample scripts.
- Better Arduino timing when flashing software
Learn More
- To learn more about MDS, visit the product page at twocanoes.com/mds.
- Join the MacAdmins Slack at macadmins.org in the #twocanoes-mds channel.
- Follow Timothy Perfitt on Twitter @tperfitt for up to the minute development and Mac chatter.
- Follow Twocanoes Software on Twitter @twocanoessoft for product releases and updates.
- Join in the discussion at the Twocanoes community forms at community.twocanoes.com
- Buy an MDS Automaton at the Twocanoes Store at store.twocanoes.com
- For Pro and Enterprise customers, get escalated support at twocanoes.com/pro-support/
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