Category: Smart Card Utility

Smart Card Utility for iPhone and iPad Update 3.4

April 26, 2022

Smart Card Utility enables smart card authentication to supported websites via Safari. No changes in the backend, websites, or cards: just plug in your existing …

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Finding the Smart Card Utility Reader Serial Number

April 21, 2022

If you are requested to send the serial number of your Smart Card Utility Reader to Twocanoes Software, please follow the instructions below: Open Smart …

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Google Chrome Smart Card Support on iOS

March 25, 2022

Current, the only browser on iOS that is enables Smart Card authentication with Smart Card Utility is Safari. In order for apps to access the …

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Smart Card Utility for iPhone and iPad Update 3.3

March 9, 2022

Smart Card Utility enables smart card authentication to supported websites via Safari. No changes in the backend, websites, or cards: just plug in your existing …

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Smart Card Utility for iPhone and iPad Update 3.2

February 14, 2022

Smart Card Utility enables smart card authentication to supported websites via Safari. No changes in the backend, websites, or cards: just plug in your existing …

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Smart Card Utility: Troubleshooting Website Issues

January 27, 2022

When using Smart Card Utility for iPhone & iPad, you may get an error when connecting to some websites. This can have range of reasons, …

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Smart Card Utility Update v.3.1

January 24, 2022

Build: 5237 Smart Card Utility enables smart card authentication to supported websites via Safari and more. Smart Card Utility v3.1 adds in the follow new …

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Using US Government and Department of Defense (DoD) Certificates in Smart Card Utility

November 5, 2021

To access certain Department of Defense (DoD) websites, digital certificates need to be installed on iOS for these sites to be accessed. To make this …

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Smart Card Utility Reader Quick Start Guide

September 15, 2021

Thank you for purchasing a Smart Card Utility Reader! While Smart Card Utility has a User Guide that you can access, this Quick Start Guide …

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